Featured Partners
We quote multiple carriers. Variety of Discounts!
Demolition. Painting. Janitorial. Carpet Cleaning. Handyman.
To Get it Fixed!
Serving all of Northern California
"I look to the faithful of the land so that they may be my companions." Psalm 101: 6
Welcome to the NorCal Christian Business Directory
We hope this site is a blessing to you and your family by making it easy for you to find Christian Businesses and Ministries in Northern California - including cities like San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose, Sacramento, Stockton, Fresno, Redding and many more. Our goal is to help connect and strengthen the Christian Community.
Also, in addition to some of our Featured Partners above, we also wanted to thank Kalvin Sid with Sid Financial Group at SidFinancial.com.
Featured Events & Partners
 Event-Truth.pngReal-Contact-300.pngKalvin-300.jpgEvent-NC.gifGenesis Apologetics
 Event-Truth.pngReal-Contact-300.pngKalvin-300.jpgEvent-NC.gifGenesis Apologetics